Vastu Solution

Unlock Positive Energy: Vastu Tips for Doorways to Enhance Your Home’s Harmony

Unlocking Vastu Secrets: The Significance of Main Doors

Unlocking Vastu Secrets: The Significance of Main Doors

In the realm of Vastu Shastra, the main entrance of a house holds profound importance, acting as a bridge between external and internal energies. This article explores the critical aspects of main doors, shedding light on their impact on happiness and prosperity within a home.

Assessing the Main Entrance

To determine the auspiciousness of your main entrance, stand centrally in front of your house, aligning with its plot. If the main door is within 20 feet to your right, it is considered auspicious. Otherwise, corrective measures may be necessary for maintaining positive energy flow.

The Role of Thresholds

1. Importance of Thresholds

A threshold at the main entrance serves as a natural security guard, preventing the entry of negative forces. The absence of a threshold can invite undesirable energies, affecting the overall health and well-being of the residents.

2. Addressing Threshold Breakage

The sudden breakage of a threshold is often linked to crises within a family. Immediate replacement is crucial, as the threshold bears the brunt of external obstacles, safeguarding the home’s internal harmony.

3. Material and Condition

The outer main door’s threshold should never be made of metal, and its condition should be intact. Stone or concrete materials are preferred for durability. Additionally, the threshold should be flat, horizontal, and within specific height and width parameters for optimal energy flow.

Door Numbers and Vastu Impact

1. Even Numbers Rule

Vastu recommends even numbers for doors in a residential or commercial space, such as 2, 4, 6, or 8. Odd numbers, like 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, are believed to invite troubles and disturbances.

2. Numerical Significance

A comprehensive table illustrates the results associated with different door numbers, offering insights into the potential effects on wealth, health, and overall well-being.


  • 4 doors: Auspicious and pleasant
  • 7 doors: Physical ailments and accidents
  • 12 doors: Prudence and wealth accumulation

3. Cautionary Numbers

Closed numbers, such as 10, are highlighted for their association with theft and unnecessary loss of money. Similarly, doors numbered 20, 30, 40, and 50 are considered inauspicious, leading to potential negative outcomes.

What should be the number of doors?

It is generally believed that the number of doors in a residential or commercial premises should be even, that is, the doors should always be in multiples of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Having doors numbered 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 is an invitation to trouble. It is better to keep the number of doors even. The following table gives the results based on the numbers of doors.

Number of DoorsResult
2Auspicious and resultful
3Troubles, distress, and jealousy
4Auspicious and pleasant
5Health loss
6Practicality and Efficiency
7Physical ailments and accidents
8Wealth and grandeur
9Sudden distress and loss by fire
10Theft and unnecessary loss of money
11Addictions to failure
12Prudence and wealth accumulation
13Mental problems, discord, and money expenditure
14Fame gained through wealth and practicality
15Spending money on luxuries
16Attainment of all-round benefits and fame


Incorporating Vastu principles related to main doors and thresholds can contribute to a harmonious and prosperous living environment. By understanding the energy dynamics associated with these elements, homeowners can enhance the positive flow of energy within their abode.

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